Money doesn't equal security

Erica Grieder recently shared a blog post, The Cost of Border Security, on Texas Monthly's blog section, Burka Blog, that explores the cost of a border security in Texas, the rationale behind it and whether it is worth it or not. Ms. Grieder, a senior editor at Texas Monthly and former correspondent for The Economist, first contends the logic behind spending $800 million on border security when a recent polling of Texans finds that only a very small minority of them believe the expenditure will be "highly effective". She then points out how many Democratic legislators don't even know how the State plans to spend the money. I found her use of simple logic to question the massive expenditure quite effective and reasonable. Her audience, Texas citizens, should able to easily digest and contemplate her arguments.

There really isn't much else to dissect. If people in our own State House can't layout how a massive expenditure is being utilized and the majority of Texans don't feel confident that it will succeed, why should we go forward with it? She then asserts that some of the other methods, that proponents for the expenditure support, for illegals to gain citizenship actually help incentivize illegal immigration. She easily exposes the contradictory attitude of the proponents and leaves little doubt that this massive expenditure should be reviewed. I don't believe this is a problem we can solve by just throwing money at it. This is also a international border, as she mentions, whose responsibility ultimately falls on the Federal Government.

The number is off a by a few hundred million but the point remains.

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