Texas secession, more than a dream...

Texas secession, more than a dream...
On September 17, 2015, KXAN, an Austin news station, reported that an effort to have Texas secession on the GOP Primary ballot in March 2016 is being made. KXAN’s article, Petition started to get Texas to secede, explains that an organization calling itself, The Texas Nationalist Movement, has collected over 1,000 signatures throughout the State with a goal of collecting 75,000 signatures in the next 75 days. A visit to their site shows that a serious effort is being applied in attempting to collect signatures with events taking place in Ft. Worth, Tyler, Corpus Christi and other various cities throughout the Lone Star state.

Supporters of The Texas Nationalist Movement gather at the front of the Texas Capitol in Austin, Texas.
This article is important because it highlights the mentality of how many Texans view themselves in regard to the entire country and reinforces the notion that Texas can secede from the United States, which it cannot. A volunteer within the movement, Warren Peck, states “Texans are special. Texans are Texans first before we are anything else”, demonstrates this notion as discussed in class. But aside from re-affirming that many Texans still romanticize seeing Texas become an independent nation again, it can be derived from the article that many people are not happy with our national government and believe our local government can do a better job. Whether this movement gains traction or fizzles out into another dream is yet to be seen.

Others may greet a Texas secession with the same enthusiasm but for different reasons.

Please note that the author of this blog does not support or condemn any Texas secession. But if you wish to sign the petition, you can do so here and if you would like to contribute, the Texas Nationalist Movement is accepting volunteers which requests can be submitted at this link.